Monday, November 08, 2004

this is the first... let it not be the last.

okay, here's my " 'blog." now what?

I know how it goes. I've certainly used things like this before. but still, when encountered with this, the reality of it... (it's not a harsh reality, just one that needs to be FILLED with words) when faced with that reality, there's that slight pressure of wanting it to be good. or, to put it a better way: not wanting it to suck.

who's going to be reading this? who knows? who cares? honestly. I've gotta break myself of that kind of thing right away -- again, another reason to just get started and go.

I told myself that I've gotta stop. I've gotta stop wasting my time. I can't lement. I can't wait. I know I can work, I know I can write, and I'm tired of surfing around reading about how everyone and their cousin steve is getting things done that I want to be doing.

I guess that makes it sound like I'm being jealous -- I'm not. like I want something that someone else has -- I don't. I want what's mine, and I want to be doing that thing. and I'm tired of not doing it, for reasons like, I'm too busy, or too this or too that.

I'm just tired.

then, clicking around, I stumbled on this, and I was curious, so I clicked deeper. clicking deeper still, I found that blogger (the host of this) just happened to be kicking off it's first annual "write it in a month" (I'm paraphrasing) thing, and they encouraged people to be doing it through their 'blogs. well that sounded cool to me.

the idea of a "web log" was something that I feel like I thought of all by myself (me and about a million other people, along with the guys & gals who actually made this happen). it's one of those things, random swirling, sprawling ideas, that just seems "so cool", so liberating and... just cool, with the advent of the internet.

I'm prattling. rambling. that's because I'm distracted by sounds, noises. disturbances. I want to sit. I want to work. I want to write. I'd like to keep this thing up. keep this this going. link it to my website one of these days.

I stumbled on the blogger site when I was just clicking around looking for something new to do, and found myself pretty intrigued and challenged by the idea that "november was write your novel in 30days" month, and that blogger was encouraging people to do it via their 'blogs.

well... wow.

I love the encouragement, and I really would love to rise to that challenge. but... you know. it's weird. and mainly, I'm not a novelist. I'm a screenwriter.

don't know what this will be, but I do know that I'm going to make the best of it.

that's all for now. :grin:


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