Wednesday, June 29, 2005

been a while... and still nothing to say


the title is a bit misleading. I mean, yes, it's been a while. I've been busy, leaving my insecurites behind me and just moving forward and doing. it's weird to see that the last post was something like november. cause a TON of stuff happened since then...

first and foremost, I moved. we moved. into the ARTSPACE in good ole Bridgeport, and it's nothing short of a complete blessing from God. it's the best and we love it. but of course, the move has meant that rent has to happen. and that's been tough. so I essentially went from being freelance and working when I wanted to, to having two dedicated jobs. it's nuts to think about it that way, but it's true.

working at both FedEx on a split shift - mornings and nights - and working at the Maritime Aquarium here in Norwalk, as an IMAX projectionist. I'm here now, just finished the projection stuff and just winding down and preparing myself for that last part of my day -- the 2nd half of the FedEx sort. it's all good, but it takes alot out of you (meaning me) sometimes and I... well I'm not gonna complain.

I came here to just write. I'm not on my computer - I'm on the one here at work - and I just wanted to write. get some typing in. get some words out. just to do it. I like doing it. I love writing.

I guess that's where I was thinking, "nothing to say" but that's not true cause all I would have to do is focus for a second on a topic and I've got tons to say about it. and I think that's because I've got tons to say.

there are these screenplays that I'm working on. a ton of ideas -- which I'm not complaining about. I'm only slightly conflicted on which ones to write first. I've picked this one that's essentially a remake of a movie that I don't own (to remake) but I'm doing anyway.

I just im-chatted with Roland (one of my artspace neighbors and filmmaker friend) and he asked about the movies I'm writing. I'm almost embarrassed to tell him some of what I'm working on, cause maybe it's just to straight forward for him.

but I got to chattin' and I was reminded of another project that I'd like to do, and it's really cool and I think people like Roland and (well me for that matter) and everyone, would think that this is pretty cool. and then I wanted to write and work on it. and that's what's gotten me here.

see, I guess the dilemma is that I want to talk about it. I want to write about it. but... I don't want to while I'm at it.

shit, gotta go.