Monday, November 17, 2008

STAR TREK by Abrams will be even better in IMAX

okay, holy cow. that was pretty cool. of course what I'm talking about here is the first official trailer of the new STAR TREK directed by J.J. Abrams (and written by the guys who did Transformers). (*fyi: the whole lot of 'em created Fox's great series FRINGE which is top notch too!)

okay, so I guess I'm showing my cards early, but who cares? it looks great and looks like it'll be great fun. I'm hearing (reading) online that there are some "fanboys" out there that are hating this movie. well... I mean... what can I say about that. I would really like to rant, really like to rave. really like to cave some heads in frankly. I mean... how can you NOT like that trailer?

the beauty of any trailer is that it whets the appetite. it teases. it gets you excited. and it does so by showing the good parts. (and in many cases, too many of the good parts!)

but this trailer gave all the goods, without giving away too much of anything. it gave us a glance of the vision, allowing us to peer into what this "re-imagining" really looks like, and showed us beats from the movie free of the burden of the logic of plot.

not knowing anything about the new movie's story, the trailer tells us this: that it's a hero's journey. and often, those are the best. that hero we see quickly is Captain Kirk. now, sure, the hardest of hardcore trekkies/trekkers would tell you that story doesn't need telling, but give me a break. often, it's not even considered "true canon" unless it's made committed to film. (and even THAT isn't perfect in the Star Trek Universe - which is rife with contradictions as you can find online in many YouTube compilations.)

what we're really talking about here when you see people not liking something of this nature seems pretty clear to me: lack of vision. now this is not me name-calling the name-callers. but I am trying to make something clear for myself (and the one other person out there who's reading this too). when you hear people (often my fellow nerds & geeks) bashing something new or that's finally getting it's treatment to film, what is really happening is the bashers are unable to see beyond what has already been presented. whether that's what's been shown in the comics, cartoons, previous movies or even the depths of their own imaginations, unfortunately, most who are bashers just aren't able to visualize anything completely -- and won't be able to, until they've seen the completed work.

(*and let's be clear: Fanboys aren't the best judges before the finished work. they were up in arms about Bryan Singer doing the X-MEN when they heard he wasn't that big a fan of the comics growing up. Fanboys have a history of calling major foul on casting choices and director hires only to quietly disappear in the roar of praise heaped on the same works when done. many cringed when Christian Bale was chosen as Batman, or Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man -- and now love those choices. and probably their biggest blunder, TONS of Fanboys were ready to commit mass sepuku because of the casting of Heath Ledger - 'the gay cowboy' - as Batman's arch nemesis The Joker. we all know how epic that turned out to be, and you can't find ONE fanboy now who would say they were ever against it. so...)

but see, that's why we need and use VISIONARIES. that's the purpose of some one, a director in this case, who has A VISION. because they CAN SEE something that's not there, and when they're really good, they can get all those on board who can help to execute that vision.

now listen, as huge a fan as I am of Abrams, this movie could end up not so good, but what I'm talking about here is the trailer, and the promise that the trailer lays out. and that promise is GOOD. that promise is hearty. that promise looks like good old fashioned FUN and I personally can't wait.

lastly, and this is the biggie, I heard today, just before watching the trailer in all it's Quicktime-age splendorific glory, that this new STAR TREK movie will be "in theaters and... (wait for it...) in IMAX" next year!!! IMAX. wow. that movie in IMAX will just be... amazing.

I can't wait.

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Have computer. Will create.

wow. so, two days ago I was given a gift of a MacBook Pro. the short story, my brother had told me that he was inheriting an older MacBook Pro, and so, I could have his black MacBook.

for me, this was great. I've been YEARS without a reliable computer, and suffering daily. I mean, I had access to machines here and there, but nothing that was mine, and nothing that I could reliably write into. (cause, hey, I'm a screenwriter and I've gotta express!) of course that also meant no work of the advanced, graphical or video kind either. face it, PCs don't have what Macs are born with: video, graphics, photos, devices, all with ease and the intuitive ability to work with elegance.

so I was finally gonna get "the Vader-book." (that's what people call the 13 inch black MacBook.) I was excited and planning for the day. as I said, I've been unable to write. unable to work. and as a result, I've been bubbling and boiling with ideas. BRIMMING. it's hard and I've been trying to anything I can to keep myself sane -- I've been writing some stuff down, notes here and there, but it's been more painful than anything else, because I feel I can't really organize them the right way.

well, long story short, (and the day after election of PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!!!) my brother calls me and says he's on his way over to bring it to me. he said that he's gotten it looked at by Apple and that it should be in great shape. I was thrilled and anxious.

when he arrived and handed me a bag, it contained a box that was gift wrapped in a fine paper. I thought, "this is really nice, he's taking this kind of care to give me this computer... mainly because he knows how special this is to me... I can't wait."

when I opened it... I was SHOCKED. seriously. I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing.

A brand new, 15 inch, aluminum unibody, 2.53 Intel dual-core, MacBook Pro!!!

for me.

I. was. blown. away.

I still am. but I'm getting over it. (smile.) actually, I'll probably never get over this. but I'll try. I'm gonna work. write. create. and work some more. I can't wait. something for me. something nice. something that I needed and something that EXCEEEDED my expectations. this is lightyears better than the VaderBook (no offense). and like my MacTech friend said, "this was definitely the one worth waiting for."

I'm gonna try to write more here about this -- but for now, let it be known I have it and I am SO SO SOOO GRATEFUL!

now the work begins...