Wednesday, February 04, 2009

false starts are a part of the process

I've been really busy in my IMAX-ing world that I kinda let a little creating fall by the wayside. I also live in doubt when it comes to certain things. those who know about being creative, being a writer, or just living a little closer to the edge than to the center of the norm know that it's not easy on guts, and doubt can arise.
one of the things that I've decide to do and tell myself is to just "know" that this is also part of the process. that doubt is natural. that false starts happen. that fear of failure is logical. you don't want to fall down no matter how much you hear that it's normal, that it won't hurt that bad or that you'll get to the other side, you don't want to fall. period. but fall you will. fall you must. and I guess, in listening, reading, and reflecting (on any past "successes" from myself and others), that you want to get all the falling (failing) done and over and quickly out of the way, so you can get on to the good stuff.
I realize I'm saying this more for me than for anyone else. (I mean, hello? delusions of grandeur. how are you?) but I'm saying it (writing it) to say it. to get it off my chest and out. and then, to move on.

I love the idea of blogging, and read tons of other people's, but for me, I keep feeling like I've gotta get everything just right before I really start blogging. like, the idea, or the purpose, or the project or the WHATEVER needs to be all set and packaged before I start this additional thing. but I've gotta get over myself and just see this as something else. so that's what I'm doing.
I'm getting it done on my new computer, which is great. I'm really learning tons of new stuff on this powerful mac. I can't wait to get to it and show "you" out there. I've also worked up a few ideas to take to IMAX myself and pitch for films that they haven't thought of (which is weird, cause I never thought I'd even come up with something like that).

so that's that. for now.